Articles for author: Rajat Verma

Rajat Verma

Revive Tired Eyes: Simple Exercises for Long Hours on Your Laptop

Revive Tired Eyes: Simple Exercises for Long Hours on Your Laptop

Understanding Eye Strain In today’s digital age, prolonged screen exposure has become a part of daily life for many people. Whether it’s working on a laptop in the office or binge-watching videos at home, the hours spent in front of screens can lead to significant eye strain. This condition can manifest as watery eyes, dryness, ...

Rajat Verma

Rising Myopia in Kids: 5 Natural Ways to Reduce It

Rising Myopia in Kids: 5 Natural Ways to Reduce It

Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, has become a prevalent issue among children today. This refractive error causes distant objects to appear blurry, leading to challenges in school and increased screen time. As the world increasingly relies on technology, the risk factors for developing myopia have also risen. Fortunately, there are several natural ways to help ...

Rajat Verma

Best Bachelor Party Spots in India for Your November Wedding!

Best Bachelor Party Spots in India for Your November Wedding!

As wedding season approaches, many couples are choosing to celebrate their last moments of single life by traveling with friends and close family. If you are planning to tie the knot in November and haven’t selected a destination for your pre-wedding trip, explore this guide to some of the best places in India to create ...

Rajat Verma

Easy Tricks for Mess-Free Garlic Chopping and Egg Cracking!

Easy Tricks for Mess-Free Garlic Chopping and Egg Cracking!

Cooking can often be a daunting task, filled with intricate procedures, complex techniques, and time-consuming preparations. However, with the introduction of simple kitchen hacks, you can streamline your cooking processes and make your time in the kitchen more enjoyable. In this article, we explore some of the easiest and most effective kitchen tricks that will ...

Rajat Verma

Lemon Hacks: Quick Tips for Effortless Festival Cleaning!

Lemon Hacks: Quick Tips for Effortless Festival Cleaning!

Cleaning Tips: त्यौहारों का सीजन आने वाला है ऐसे में घर की साफ-सफाई को लेकर आपको अभी से ही टेंशन हो रही होगी। तो चलिए इसे शेफ पंकज की बताई गई मजेदार लेमन ट्रिक्स से आसान बनाते हैं।

Rajat Verma

Chickpeas: The Ultimate Guide to Enjoying Them for Weight Loss and More Benefits!

Chickpeas: The Ultimate Guide to Enjoying Them for Weight Loss and More Benefits!

Right way to eat Chana: कई बार लोग इस बात को लेकर बेहद कंफ्यूज रहते हैं कि चने खाने का सही तरीका क्या है, सेहत के लिए उबले हुए, रोस्टेड या फिर अंकुरित चने में से ज्यादा फायदेमंद कौन से होते हैं। अगर आप भी इस सवाल को लेकर कंफ्यूज रहते हैं तो आइए जानते हैं क्या है इसका सही जवाब।

Rajat Verma

Oats Uttapam: The Ultimate Healthy Treat!

Oats Uttapam: The Ultimate Healthy Treat!

ओट्स के बने उत्तपम स्वाद में जबरदस्त होते हैं और सेहत के लिए भी काफी ज्यादा फायदेमंद होते हैं। यहां देखिए इसे बनाने की रेसिपी-